We have monitored the latest news and updates from provincial and federal authorities in hopes we would be able to come together for another TD Edmonton International Jazz Festival. We know this pandemic is a devastating blow to our music industry friends, family, and partners, but the health of everyone who attends and participates in our Festival is a priority for us.
Due to circumstances beyond our control we have to announce today the 2020 TD Edmonton international Jazz Festival will be postponed. We are working hard to find a way where we can still all come together in some fashion to celebrate the music we love. We hope to be able to share some cool ideas and information with you in the next little while.
We are planning for the 2021 EIJF to run June 18 to 27, 2021, with a lineup of great local, national, & international artists you’ve come to expect and enjoy, at a variety of venues throughout Edmonton. Please follow us on our social feeds and sign up for our e-news on our website.
Thank you to our Board of Directors, partners, volunteers, sponsors including TD Bank, along with our arts funders Edmonton Arts Council, Alberta Foundation For The Arts, Canadian Heritage, and the Downtown Business Association, and to our dedicated jazz-loving audience. We truly value your ongoing support and words of encouragement in these unprecedented times.
On behalf of the Board and staff at EIJF & until we connect again, stay safe and be well.
Kent Sangster
Executive & Artistic Director