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JFC is recognized as a global leader in the area of tour development processes. JFC offers valuable services that serve the needs of the membership while reinforcing the Canadian touring circuit. JFC member services include:

Network Meetings & Professional Development
Network meetings provide an essential face-to-face forum for the sharing of best practices and professional development including specialized sessions on marketing, education and outreach, advocacy and fundraising. Network meetings are an ideal place for members to discuss strategies for building organizational capacity and stability. Network meetings provide an arena for both emerging and well-established presenters to work together as a group to develop effective solutions to ongoing challenges that all presenting organizations face.

Block Booking Sessions
Facilitated by the Executive Director, block booking meetings are one of the most important aspects of network activity as they provide a structured environment where programmers share knowledge of both established and emerging talent on the Canadian and international jazz scene. Extensive tours featuring regional, national and international artists are developed during these meetings. Participants discuss fees, logistics and other pertinent aspects of touring during these sessions. Meetings with agents allow Artistic Directors to become acquainted with projects that are being proposed for touring during the upcoming festival season.

Tour Facilitation Services
JFC’s Executive Director supports member events throughout the booking process, including facilitation of block booking sessions, programming conference calls, and documentation and dissemination of tour routing information. JFC members are able to contact the Executive Director on an ongoing basis for access to accurate details around artist fees and contact information for agents, artists and managers. This information, which is housed in an extensive up-to-date database, is an invaluable tool for jazz presenters wishing to increase their level of contact with representatives from management companies and international cultural agencies.

Education and Outreach Activities
JFC provides support to members in their presentation of education and outreach programs. The network also supports and implements educational programs and activities on a national level. These activities include the Marilyn Michener Memorial Award at Humber College, in Toronto and the TD Jazz Youth Summit at the Ottawa Jazz Festival.

Collateral Materials
Annual collateral materials featuring locations, dates, and web addresses for upcoming member festivals are produced and distributed through conferences and member events, both nationally and internationally. The distribution of this promotional material raises the collective profile of member events, reaches out to prospective members and informs artists and agents of key information.