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If your organization would like to become a member of Jazz Festivals Canada, you’ll need to meet the criteria listed below.

  • You must be registered provincially or federally as a not-for-profit society or non-share capital corporation.
  • Your primary mandate must be the presentation of jazz and/or a regularly occurring festival of jazz or improvised music in Canada.
  • You have been in operation and actively presenting jazz and/or a festival of jazz or improvised music for a period of at least 2 years.
  • The majority of artists you present shall be professional artists who you pay guaranteed performance fees.
  • You shall operate according to a professional code of ethics that includes the following practices:
    • Negotiate with artists, their agents and/or managers in good faith.
    • Meet all financial obligations to artists, their agents and/or managers in a timely manner and in accordance with contractual commitments.
    • Act in good faith in all dealings with other JFC members and staff, and honouring all commitments made to artists through block-booking offers or other network tour development activity undertaken with JFC members.
  • You shall pay an annual membership fee according to the scale of fees approved by the directors of JFC.
  • You shall send a delegate to at least one JFC meeting annually.
  • You shall provide annual event statistics in the format approved by the directors of JFC.

Applications for membership will be considered at JFC’s annual general meeting and at JFC’s major network meeting held in October of each year. The approval of 2-3 members in good standing is required for the acceptance of new members into JFC.

For membership application form, please contact: