Given the uncertain and evolving state of the pandemic, we at the Guelph Jazz Festival have determined not to present our annual event as we’d planned for 16-20 September 2020, a measure we make with your safety foremost in mind. As we plan ahead with hope to our next festival in September 2021, we will also seek opportunities to present smaller-scale programming through the winter to share musical experiences responsibly and festively.
You have helped make it possible for the GJF to adapt to the challenges those in the field of live music presentation now face. We extend our gratitude to our public funders and principal sponsors for their ongoing, unflagging support, which has made this difficult but necessary decision feasible.
We wish good health and well-being to you, our patrons, artists, and community partners. Let’s all look forward optimistically to the moment when we can again gather safely to celebrate, commemorate, and enjoy.
For more information, please contact Scott Thomson, Artistic and General Director: